The Sanskrit word vidya, knowledge, derives from the
root vid to know. This is significant as vidya forms the
basis of all yogic teachings. Knowledge is the
fountain from which all goodness and light are said to flow. And vidya is the channel for that flow of
light here on earth. Access to vidya means access to
spiritual light. The way we obtain that access is by
cultivating profound inner understanding.
Sanskrit Oral Tradition
Vidya Verse:
Mateva Rakshati Piteva Hite Niyunkte
Kanteva Cabhiramayatyapaniya Duhkham
Kirtim Ca Dikshu Vitanoti Tanoti Lakshmim
Kim Kim Na Sadhayati Kalpa-Lateva Vidya
Like a mother, it protects you.
Like a father, it directs you towards your
welfare in the world.
Like a lover it delights you and removes your
pain and suffering.
It expands your name and fame in all directions
and increases your prosperity.
What does real knowledge not give you?
Like a wish full-filling vine, it gives fruit
to all desires.
~ Translation by Manorama, Luminous Shabda 2012
In this
oral tradition Sanskrit verse, knowledge is likened to being
both as pivotal as our mother and father. As a mother, vidya represents the force of protection, and as a
father, it directs us in the world and
guides our proper direction. The mantra further
tells us that vidya is like a lover, and as such acts in a soothing,
healing manner removing our suffering… once we feel that
soothing and removing of our suffering, vidya morphs again into
being a blessing for our greatest expansion and our prosperity.
This mantra reminds us that vidya is the giver of all.
How do I obtain
Vidya in my life?
Vidya expands when we support the inner growth of yogic
teachings. This is hard work and requires that we be deeply thirsty for that
knowledge. We can support this inner growth through:
Energizing on
When we read yogic teachings, often we move to quickly to
what we ‘think’ they mean. Instead we must practice first supporting the growth
of the teachings within us, by energizing patiently on them and by practicing
‘sitting with’ their meaning. This is how we support the development of vidya in our lives because yogic knowledge is not
realized on a mental level alone, rather it is first felt as a rising awareness
in the heart.
Contact with Self
in all things
If we value our self and want to know our
self in all things then we must make it a priority to practice paying attention
to our inner life. Paying attention to our inner self forms
a connection within and signals that the floor is forming
underneath us. Once the foundation is secure then we have
the capacity to truly ponder the elevated questions that lead to the
realization of vidya in our lives. With the floor firmly established
under our feet, we make our selves ready to reflect on the essential
questions from a grounded place. As we contemplate teachings from a grounded
place the realization of the answers rises within us and is assured.
Essential questions that lead to realization of vidya?
Who am I?
What is my purpose in this life/incarnation?
How may I serve the world?
How to cultivate sincere compassion for all?
What is nobility in yoga?
How do I evolve awareness in my self?
What does “being with” a teaching mean?
Copyright 2012 Luminous Shabda/Sanskrit Studies & Manorama